Celebrities, concert and cards on hand for autism fundraiser

Posted: Thursday, Jul. 21, 2011

Veteran R&B group Boyz II Men and a slew of sports celebrities come together Saturday for "Lake, Land and Lyrics," a fundraiser for Autism Services of Mecklenburg County.

The event aims to aims to raise $250,000 through a combination of dinner and dinner cruises, an outdoor concert and a celebrity poker tournament.

The event takes place at Lake Norman's Queen's Landing. Former Carolina Panther Brentson Buckner will host the celebrity poker tournament, where players will include fellow NFL stars Merton Hanks, Mike Barber, Mo Collins, Philip Crosby, Thomas Davis, Mike Minter and Rod Smith; former NBA players Sleepy Floyd and Al Wood; NASCAR drivers Brad Coleman and Kevin Conway, and celebrity clothing designer William Wilson. Each table will include a celebrity player.

Other celebrities, such as Panthers' James Anderson, former NBA Charlotte Hornet Muggsy Bogues and golfer Lanny Wadkins will attend.

Boyz II Men, who celebrated their 20th year together in 2010, are best known for '90s R&B hits "End of the Road," "Motownphilly" and "I'll Make Love To You." In the past five years, the vocal group, now a trio, has scored Top 20 albums with renditions of Motown hits and classic love songs.

Of playing charity events Boyz II Men says: "Charity has always been important to us. We're involved in a huge array of causes including the American Cancer Society's More Birthdays Movement.

"We know and appreciate how blessed we are to be able to do what we do, to have the incredible families we have, to just be here. Nothing in life is guaranteed, so we try to share love."

Carolinians Jim Quick & Coastline will open the concert with beach-friendly country-soul music.

Funds raised will go to help those in the region living with autism, developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injuries.

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